Cupcake Wars

Cupcake Wars

:O Oops….a day in our life! xoxo

In This Post:

Mesh Head: Catya by Catwa
Body: Lara by Maitreya
Hair:  Scout by Truth Hair
Dress: Natural vibes by Amitomo (SaNaRae July2017)
Shoes: Nellie by (Arcade June2017)

Worn by Meghan:

Mesh Head: Baby mesh Moon by Toddleedoo
Body: BeBe Body by Bad Seed
Hair: Alexis by Ploom
Outfit: Riley Shortalls by Buglets 

A Beautiful Mess


It’s not even possible to be mad when you have a daughter as cute as mine. Just look at this face. I am in love ❣

Today I was moving things around in the greenhouse. It was a sunny, warm spring day. There were mud puddles outside and I should have known that little Miss Meghan would  sneak over and play in them. And play she did! She managed to get herself covered from head to toe. What a beautiful mess she is ❣ How did you spend your day? Hopefully with lots of smiles and laughter. Talk to you soon xoxo

In This Post:

Mesh Head: Chloe by LOGO
Body: Lara by Maitreya
Hair: Ximena by Truth Hair 
Top: Cutietop by Blueberry (LuxeBox Feb2017)
Shorts: Jimena by Blueberry
Pose: Just like her by Posies

Worn by Meghan:

Mesh Head: Alice by  ToddleeDoo
Body: Baby by ToddleeDoo
Hair: Sugar High by Wasabi Pills
Outfit: Play Overalls by Clair de Lune
Shoes: Fairlee sandals by Turducken